Stephen Scott
AMPWDA Master Trainer
- Trained 1000’s Police Officer’s and K9’s, which are working
all over the US and in Iraq. Trained dogs in both Narcotic and
Explosive Detection. Have trained and handled dogs in a tactical
environment. Experienced in Importing and selection testing of
K-9’s. Extensive experience in European Dog sports, KNPV, IPO,
Schutzhund, French Ring. Accomplished Decoy, proficient in all
types of decoying from sport, to police. Have trained Explosive
and Narcotic Detection K9’s as well as Patrol and Tracking K9’s.
· | Experienced in all phases of Decoy work to include, French Ring, KNPV, Schutzhund. Have Decoyed 1000’s of dogs and have taught decoy skills to students. Have experience in all aspects of sport decoying and Police and Military to include tactical decoying. Have trained dogs from start to finish and dogs that I have trained have been certified in almost every certification there is. I have experience in maintenance training and ensuring that the K9’s are properly worked. I am experienced in both the full bite suit, sleeve, hidden sleeve, and tactical bite suit. I have taught dogs how to properly target, grip building, and building drive. |
· | Narcotic and Explosive Detection. Have trained 1000’s of K9’s and Handlers in Detection. Have worked with numerous dogs and corrected problems that may arise with detection dogs. Have been trained in many different ways to train a Detection dog. Have developed detection training programs that are used all over the US in Police Departments and overseas. I have trained dogs to search off leash in detection. Have trained 1000’s of dogs to alert by passive response to the target odor.Have trained dog to search on and off leash. I am well versed in many different training methods and have trained dogs from start to finish. I have conducted maintenance training to ensure that detection dog teams were working properly. Have also had numerous dogs that have developed detection problems and have helped them fix there problems |
· | Have trained 1000’s of K9’s in tracking that are currently working in Department all over the US. Have attended seminars on Man tracking and Scent Discrimination. Have worked with the top trained in Europe with tracking and the Royal Dutch Police. Extensive experience in Area and Building searches and many different ways how to train and conduct maintenance training for it. |
· | I have trained K9 and Handler Teams from start to finish for the last 13 years. I have trained dogs from start to finish that are working in Police Department all over the US and also I have trained K9’s that are currently working in the Middle East from start to finish. I have taught students in all aspects of Police K9 training, and my students have gone on to certify in almost every certifying organization available. |
· | I am well versed in all European Dog sports. I have traveled to Europe numerous times to test and purchase dogs. I have a well rounded training program that is geared toward team success and I have studied many different training programs all over the US and Europe. |
· | I have trained dogs in complete on
and off leash obedience. I have learned many different ways
to train K9’s in obedience from all over the US and Europe.
I have trained dogs in obedience from start to finish that
have gone on to certify in almost every Police, US Military
in Iraq, and Sport Certification there is. |
· | I have extensive knowledge in the training of K9’s in Patrol phase. I have extensive experience in training in the Patrol phase and have trained 1000’s of K9’s from start to finish that are currently working for Police Departments all over the US and in the Middle East. I have worked dogs in a tactical environment and have experience in tactical decoying also. |
· | December 2005 Awarded contract W9GYO-06-M-0020 P00001 to supply 32 Explosive Detection K9’s to Iraq Police College, through DOD. |
· | Sold trained Explosive Detection K9’s
too Ronco Consulting Corp monthly for over a year. Ronco
purchased anywhere from 10 to 20 trained EDD’s per month.
· | Awarded contract from the Ministry of Interior and the Iraq Police to supply 112 trained detection K9’s. Deputy K9 Officer. |
· | Has taught at numerous seminars for Detection, Patrol, Tracking, and Decoy Skills. Conducted a week long decoy seminar for 75th Ranger Regiment, Ft Benning Ga. |
- Deputy K9 Officer- Warren County Sheriff's Office
Responsible for responding to Emergency 911 calls. Directly
responsible for maintaining the training and records for the K9
Program. Experience in undercover operations. Involved in school
programs that promote the relationship between students and Law
Enforcement. Accomplishments- Basic Law Enforcement Training
Honor Graduate and Class President. K9 Unit head trainer,
responsible for all Certifications and day to day operations.
Countless apprehensions and narcotic finds. Ran weekly multi
department maintenance training.